So, Sky and I had another John Toli lesson yesterday - lasted nearly 3 hours since I had so much to go over. Sky did good, although I think we interupted mid-afternoon nap time. She was a bit of a pokey puppy, but I guess I'll take that over wacked out and crazy.
Anyway, I think that John might consider me crazy for jumping into the show ring now, so early in the year. But he's willing to help us in whatever we do, so we're lucky in that respect.
we're going to compete in halter, w/t equitation, w/t pleasure, w/t command, and w/t trail... I think it will be good but I don't expect a lot - of course I'll be disappointed if we come home empty handed, but the experience will be good. The anticipation and not-knowing how it will be is what makes me more nervous rather than the can-we-do-this aspect... which is good.
I think Sky will hold a decent frame and be realtively collected - and she'll handle whats asked of her well - from my memory her biggest obstacles are a) getting used to the show grounds and ring and b) not speeding up when in the ring with other horses. I think if we get some good practice time in, she'll do great. And if we completely suck, then I can laugh about it with Beth on the trail ride in Canterbury the next Saturday!
Otherwise, things are good. No registrations yet for our ride in June, but it's super early - I hope it goes well - It'll be good for Rich and Robbyn to see that they can host something successfully. I kind of feel since the whole thing was my doing, that if no one comes, it'll be my fault.
Anyway, not much else is new... Sky and I have a lot of practice to do - today I'm going to do some different trail obstacles and go out for a ride as well - I don't want to work her so hard she gets sour of the ring... I think the next week will be patterns and patterns and fun practice. john said he might come and watch us and it would be really good to have him there, even if we do suck!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Show Season here we come!
Well, it's super nice out and I'm super excited for summer! And while my expectations and hopes for the year include camping, trail riding and day trips, I'm also ready to get back in the show ring and test our skills against some NH people and horses..
I have to say I'm pretty nervous about showing against horse-crazed New Hampshire-ites, who so far seem to be cut throat in their seriousness compared to the layed back Texans and New Mexico people I showed with in the past. I worry that Sky and I won't be good enough and will be out walk/trotted by some 13 year old girl and her $10,000 quarter horse with her mom barking orders from the sidelines! (oh, I can see it now...)
But nevertheless, I'm willing to swallow my nervous pride and get out there and try to have some fun. I liked showing in NM and TX - I like the nervous energy and the thrill of performing, which I seriously miss from my long-past cheerleading days... and I'll admit that I'm a big fan of my number and horse's name being called over a crackly fairground loudspeaker so I may go collect my glorious piece of brightly colored satin. That's a trip.
So, Sky and I have been following the John Toli plan, collecting her in and building her muscles. She's getting better at the trot and listens well, although I sense her boredom in the ring in favor of the unknown of the trails (I LOVE HER!)
We have a lesson today and I have a ton of questions. I hope I can squeeze them into an hour. I'm thrilled it's Spring, thrilled to have a new friend to go to shows together with, and thrilled to have a trainer who is as thrilled as me about my horse and our experiences. I hope it all goes well, but if it doesn't, it will make just as good (if not better) of a story for another day.
Until next time,
I have to say I'm pretty nervous about showing against horse-crazed New Hampshire-ites, who so far seem to be cut throat in their seriousness compared to the layed back Texans and New Mexico people I showed with in the past. I worry that Sky and I won't be good enough and will be out walk/trotted by some 13 year old girl and her $10,000 quarter horse with her mom barking orders from the sidelines! (oh, I can see it now...)
But nevertheless, I'm willing to swallow my nervous pride and get out there and try to have some fun. I liked showing in NM and TX - I like the nervous energy and the thrill of performing, which I seriously miss from my long-past cheerleading days... and I'll admit that I'm a big fan of my number and horse's name being called over a crackly fairground loudspeaker so I may go collect my glorious piece of brightly colored satin. That's a trip.
So, Sky and I have been following the John Toli plan, collecting her in and building her muscles. She's getting better at the trot and listens well, although I sense her boredom in the ring in favor of the unknown of the trails (I LOVE HER!)
We have a lesson today and I have a ton of questions. I hope I can squeeze them into an hour. I'm thrilled it's Spring, thrilled to have a new friend to go to shows together with, and thrilled to have a trainer who is as thrilled as me about my horse and our experiences. I hope it all goes well, but if it doesn't, it will make just as good (if not better) of a story for another day.
Until next time,
Thursday, April 17, 2008
happy birthday Sky
Sky turned FIVE yesterday - without much fanfare I have to say, I didn't get to visit b/c it was my long day and I had to go to both jobs (gotta pay for the habit!)
But she's acting older and that makes me happy. She's not spooky in the outdoor ring even though last fall she hated the far side near the newly downed trees and it's been windy... she handled our walk out the road and up the trails well, even though on the power lines we nearly sank! I'm going to try to walk out and ride back for the first few times out at least so she's not so scared... I'd rather be safe than sorry (or frustrated)
As far as collecting, she's doing well. She seems bored at the walk and is very pokey but is resisting less and less when I ask for her face... she seems to be figuring out where to hold her head.. I trotted a bunch on Tuesday too, and she did well - gotta work some on trail obstacles and thinking about showing stuff... I want to go to the NHQHA show on the 18th of May with Lisa and do the open breed walk/trot western classes - not a lot of classes but it will be good to get her around a lot of people/horses again too. I don't think I'll expect much from that - will probably be out of our leauge.
Now that the hard part of my week is over, I'll be able to ride more... today, tomorrow, sat and sunday - and next week we should be ready for another lesson. I think we're doing well and I'm loving all my time with her.. she's a ham!
Anyway, until next time... C
But she's acting older and that makes me happy. She's not spooky in the outdoor ring even though last fall she hated the far side near the newly downed trees and it's been windy... she handled our walk out the road and up the trails well, even though on the power lines we nearly sank! I'm going to try to walk out and ride back for the first few times out at least so she's not so scared... I'd rather be safe than sorry (or frustrated)
As far as collecting, she's doing well. She seems bored at the walk and is very pokey but is resisting less and less when I ask for her face... she seems to be figuring out where to hold her head.. I trotted a bunch on Tuesday too, and she did well - gotta work some on trail obstacles and thinking about showing stuff... I want to go to the NHQHA show on the 18th of May with Lisa and do the open breed walk/trot western classes - not a lot of classes but it will be good to get her around a lot of people/horses again too. I don't think I'll expect much from that - will probably be out of our leauge.
Now that the hard part of my week is over, I'll be able to ride more... today, tomorrow, sat and sunday - and next week we should be ready for another lesson. I think we're doing well and I'm loving all my time with her.. she's a ham!
Anyway, until next time... C
Monday, April 14, 2008
Ok - I'll admit when I heard the hunter/jumper "trainer" at my barn yell this when she came into the ring, I almost laughed... I thought it was silly - I could see her, after all... it wasn't anything anyone else at my "english" barn ever did so I figured it was one of those "english-y" things that english riders do that my western riding self would never think to do...
Then a couple of weeks ago, this person didn't talk to me when I was at the barn and I thought it was rude and strange... right after that I emailed the barn owner that I wasn't happy and wanted to change barns... she emailed me back and talked me down, saying that soon there would be more people around and peopel wanted to trail ride with me and it would be ok... shortly after that I heard from one of the other instructors at the barn that this hunter/jumper trainer told the barn owner that I hadn't said "door" when I entered the ring and had therefore been bucked off and that's why she didn't talk to me...
.. now I'm going to ignore the fact that had she been bucked off, I would have seen it from my ever so stealth position at the gate of the ring and I'm going to ignore that she never said a word to me about being bucked off.... we'll skip right to this week when I go to the barn and ride my lovely girl, announcing myself going into the ring and when I went to walk her behind the property. Frankly, I thought I was being super considerate to these english-y people and was very proud of myself.
So, ms. Hunter/Jumper is in the indoor ring (on a very nice day) and I walked Sky through the barn (not into the ring, mind you, into the BARN... through the aisle .. far away from her and her horse).. the next thing I know she's pulling the horse by the bit outside, apparently crying... I say "oh my God, are you ok" and she says "no"... I wonder what's happened now, considering that she goes flying through the air on a regular basis... I think, maybe I shouldn't leave if she's in trouble. ... so she goes into the outdoor ring and another boarder, who has a young daughter, walks up to her to ask what happend... they keep the young girl on the other side of the ring while ms. hunter/jumper tries to get on again. After three or four kicks to the belly (yeah) the horse finally stands still and off she goes riding her.... so I go up to the other boarder and ask if all is ok... this is what I am told:
"you really need to say door when you walk through the barn b/c this horse flips out when it hears another horse"....
WHAT! I am (again) the cause for ms hunter/jumper losing control of her horse and getting thrown! I am shocked and appauled for two reasons and they are as follows: 1. The rule last week when the first incident happened was say "door" when entering the arena... now I must announce myself when entering the barn as well - what's next.. Hi, I'm on the premisis.. Hi, I'm driving down the road in the direction of the barn.... and 2. If I'm a trainer and my horse "flips out" at the sound of another horse, that would be the behavior that I'd fix first, before riding and jumping and showing for my own safety. I don't believe that as a rider, let alone a trainer, I can or should ever blame my horse or anyone else for the behavior of my horse.... let alone ask anyone to change their behavior in order to accomidate my spooky horse... a horse cannot be trained in a vacuum!
So, after a small confrontation right there and another with the barn owner and several converstations with other horsey friends, I'm resolved to do whatever rules are layed out by the barn, whether I agree or not, and shut up about my training philosophies... But still... I am having a hard time letting it go.
Good-bye for now.. will keep you updated... by the way, Sky is riding GREAT!
Then a couple of weeks ago, this person didn't talk to me when I was at the barn and I thought it was rude and strange... right after that I emailed the barn owner that I wasn't happy and wanted to change barns... she emailed me back and talked me down, saying that soon there would be more people around and peopel wanted to trail ride with me and it would be ok... shortly after that I heard from one of the other instructors at the barn that this hunter/jumper trainer told the barn owner that I hadn't said "door" when I entered the ring and had therefore been bucked off and that's why she didn't talk to me...
.. now I'm going to ignore the fact that had she been bucked off, I would have seen it from my ever so stealth position at the gate of the ring and I'm going to ignore that she never said a word to me about being bucked off.... we'll skip right to this week when I go to the barn and ride my lovely girl, announcing myself going into the ring and when I went to walk her behind the property. Frankly, I thought I was being super considerate to these english-y people and was very proud of myself.
So, ms. Hunter/Jumper is in the indoor ring (on a very nice day) and I walked Sky through the barn (not into the ring, mind you, into the BARN... through the aisle .. far away from her and her horse).. the next thing I know she's pulling the horse by the bit outside, apparently crying... I say "oh my God, are you ok" and she says "no"... I wonder what's happened now, considering that she goes flying through the air on a regular basis... I think, maybe I shouldn't leave if she's in trouble. ... so she goes into the outdoor ring and another boarder, who has a young daughter, walks up to her to ask what happend... they keep the young girl on the other side of the ring while ms. hunter/jumper tries to get on again. After three or four kicks to the belly (yeah) the horse finally stands still and off she goes riding her.... so I go up to the other boarder and ask if all is ok... this is what I am told:
"you really need to say door when you walk through the barn b/c this horse flips out when it hears another horse"....
WHAT! I am (again) the cause for ms hunter/jumper losing control of her horse and getting thrown! I am shocked and appauled for two reasons and they are as follows: 1. The rule last week when the first incident happened was say "door" when entering the arena... now I must announce myself when entering the barn as well - what's next.. Hi, I'm on the premisis.. Hi, I'm driving down the road in the direction of the barn.... and 2. If I'm a trainer and my horse "flips out" at the sound of another horse, that would be the behavior that I'd fix first, before riding and jumping and showing for my own safety. I don't believe that as a rider, let alone a trainer, I can or should ever blame my horse or anyone else for the behavior of my horse.... let alone ask anyone to change their behavior in order to accomidate my spooky horse... a horse cannot be trained in a vacuum!
So, after a small confrontation right there and another with the barn owner and several converstations with other horsey friends, I'm resolved to do whatever rules are layed out by the barn, whether I agree or not, and shut up about my training philosophies... But still... I am having a hard time letting it go.
Good-bye for now.. will keep you updated... by the way, Sky is riding GREAT!
Friday, April 11, 2008
you can trust a guy who won't take your money!
Hi again,
So yesterday I decided I'd have another lesson with John, just to make sure Sky and I were on the right track and doing the right thing since she'd been fighting the bit so much.
It was a beautiful day and I was excited to show John what we were doing. SO, he comes in and watches me ride for a minute as he did before and then tells me that I don't need a lesson.. what!? (moment of pride that I'm a great rider....) What?!.... He says that we're on the right track and I'm doing what I need to be doing to get he headset straight and get her working her hind end... and that he could stand there an hour and tell me little things to do and not do and take my money, but that wasn't necessary. Now, I think I can respect someone who isn't all about money and is excited (genuinely) to see me improve with my horse. He couldn't resist getting on her for a while and I think I learned more by watching him ride her than I would have if I'd been riding. I can see where we are getting to more than before and that helps more than any lesson could have.
We even went into the outdoor ring and she was great there too - I can't wait for more nice days and more riding time... it feels very amazing to feel good about where you are with your horse and be proud of her and of yourself and know that great things are coming. I know it will be a good year... I knew it this winter.. I told myself 2008 had good things in store... I think hope and Spring go hand and hand. :)
So yesterday I decided I'd have another lesson with John, just to make sure Sky and I were on the right track and doing the right thing since she'd been fighting the bit so much.
It was a beautiful day and I was excited to show John what we were doing. SO, he comes in and watches me ride for a minute as he did before and then tells me that I don't need a lesson.. what!? (moment of pride that I'm a great rider....) What?!.... He says that we're on the right track and I'm doing what I need to be doing to get he headset straight and get her working her hind end... and that he could stand there an hour and tell me little things to do and not do and take my money, but that wasn't necessary. Now, I think I can respect someone who isn't all about money and is excited (genuinely) to see me improve with my horse. He couldn't resist getting on her for a while and I think I learned more by watching him ride her than I would have if I'd been riding. I can see where we are getting to more than before and that helps more than any lesson could have.
We even went into the outdoor ring and she was great there too - I can't wait for more nice days and more riding time... it feels very amazing to feel good about where you are with your horse and be proud of her and of yourself and know that great things are coming. I know it will be a good year... I knew it this winter.. I told myself 2008 had good things in store... I think hope and Spring go hand and hand. :)
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Day Two, Three and Four
So, after my lesson with John, I went into the barn the next day with new ferver for riding and with all the enthusiasm of having learned something new.
Sky was soaking wet from the rain and hyper to boot. I lunged her (she's a round pen type of girl) and we got going - she did good, not as good as the day before, but good. She accepted walking in a collected frame... giving to the bit as we walked along.. but the longer we rode the more she tried to "spit me out" or lean on the bit... I tried trotting a little bit to keep her occupied and she did well at the trot, then I ended on the best note I could.
Saturday I didn't ride b/c it's my only day off and Karl finally wanted to do some car shopping. Sunday I went out to ride and she was even more resistant to the bit pressure... I think she's sick of this game already or as Josh used to tell me "she needs to learn to be pulled on" Either way, it was not super successful. I try to relax my shoulders and only use my fingers to manervor the reins and she seems to respond, but she also doesn't want to be pulled on. John said to try to get her to the point where she creates her own release by "reaching" for the bit. She doesn't seem to do that often. It's more often that she leans on the bit in an effort to be let go of or tries to bring her head up for the same end. I feel as though I'm pulling on her just to pull on her again and not giving her any real release or reward and that's why she's getting frustrated, but I also know that is not the case. John said that she's looking for a very tiny bit of release.... I hope I'm giving it to her.
Anyway, Monday I rode again and although for not very long, I did drop my stirrups down as John suggested and it made a big difference. Sky is still spitting my pressure out although I trotted her some and that break in the monotony seemed to help as she will release more there.. We'll see.. I hope to afford another lesson Thursday.
Sky was soaking wet from the rain and hyper to boot. I lunged her (she's a round pen type of girl) and we got going - she did good, not as good as the day before, but good. She accepted walking in a collected frame... giving to the bit as we walked along.. but the longer we rode the more she tried to "spit me out" or lean on the bit... I tried trotting a little bit to keep her occupied and she did well at the trot, then I ended on the best note I could.
Saturday I didn't ride b/c it's my only day off and Karl finally wanted to do some car shopping. Sunday I went out to ride and she was even more resistant to the bit pressure... I think she's sick of this game already or as Josh used to tell me "she needs to learn to be pulled on" Either way, it was not super successful. I try to relax my shoulders and only use my fingers to manervor the reins and she seems to respond, but she also doesn't want to be pulled on. John said to try to get her to the point where she creates her own release by "reaching" for the bit. She doesn't seem to do that often. It's more often that she leans on the bit in an effort to be let go of or tries to bring her head up for the same end. I feel as though I'm pulling on her just to pull on her again and not giving her any real release or reward and that's why she's getting frustrated, but I also know that is not the case. John said that she's looking for a very tiny bit of release.... I hope I'm giving it to her.
Anyway, Monday I rode again and although for not very long, I did drop my stirrups down as John suggested and it made a big difference. Sky is still spitting my pressure out although I trotted her some and that break in the monotony seemed to help as she will release more there.. We'll see.. I hope to afford another lesson Thursday.
Friday, April 4, 2008
a funny thing happened at the Dunkin Donuts drivethrough
So I had my first lesson with John yesterday and I was telling my lovely non-riding husband about it while we were driving (his mom was also in the car)... Now, I love my husband dearly, but he has no idea what I'm talking about when I tell him about riding and the horse.. he just nods and says "that's nice" and complains about how expensive it is, but he listens just the same and because I was so excited at my progress during my lesson, I had to tell someone.
He decides he wants a coffee and pulls into the dunkin donuts drivethrough just as I tell him all about how my instructor said Sky had a good build and I that had a good seat... as he goes to order his coffee into the scratchy speaker, my darling hubby says "geez, you're paying this guy $45 bucks to tell you you've got a good seat!"
This cracks me and his mom up, and apparently it was funny to the ladies inside because the next thing we hear are roars of laughter from the speaker.... just goes to show you that when you're talking riding if you're not around riders, you've got to be careful what you say!
So I had my first lesson with John yesterday and I was telling my lovely non-riding husband about it while we were driving (his mom was also in the car)... Now, I love my husband dearly, but he has no idea what I'm talking about when I tell him about riding and the horse.. he just nods and says "that's nice" and complains about how expensive it is, but he listens just the same and because I was so excited at my progress during my lesson, I had to tell someone.
He decides he wants a coffee and pulls into the dunkin donuts drivethrough just as I tell him all about how my instructor said Sky had a good build and I that had a good seat... as he goes to order his coffee into the scratchy speaker, my darling hubby says "geez, you're paying this guy $45 bucks to tell you you've got a good seat!"
This cracks me and his mom up, and apparently it was funny to the ladies inside because the next thing we hear are roars of laughter from the speaker.... just goes to show you that when you're talking riding if you're not around riders, you've got to be careful what you say!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
With Spring, things are looking up
Well, Spring is finally sending us some good weather in NH and with that I am struggling to lift my Winter blahs and branch out.
I've boarded Sky at MMF (Majestic Meadow Farms) since August and other than the fabulous trip to VT with Beth and Marcia this Fall, we haven't done much. And as much as I've tried to make the best out of riding alone on the trials and in the indoor this Winter, it hasn't been enough to keep my horse life going in a happy way.
So, I considered moving barns for a while, and in doing so realized that Robbyn and Rich at MMF really like having Sky and I around and are willing to go along with any zany ideas I might have to improve the atmosphere there. But I'm glad that I was lonely and unhappy b/c otherwise I wouldn't have posted a note on equinesite and met people.
Lisa in Canterbury is coming out to ride in the indoor tomorrow so that is good - and I'm meeting another Robin in Gilminton too. I hope I'll be able to make enough connections to hav people to ride with this year as well as possibly hitch a ride to some shows and trail rides.
In the meantime, I'm planning (with Robbyn and Rich's approval) a Trail Ride and Fun Day at MMF. This feeds my fire to plan things while giving me something to look forward to. Robbyn seems to like the idea, so as soon as the snow melts I'll be scoping out a path.
Gottta go for now. I'll update about my lesson tomorrow!
I've boarded Sky at MMF (Majestic Meadow Farms) since August and other than the fabulous trip to VT with Beth and Marcia this Fall, we haven't done much. And as much as I've tried to make the best out of riding alone on the trials and in the indoor this Winter, it hasn't been enough to keep my horse life going in a happy way.
So, I considered moving barns for a while, and in doing so realized that Robbyn and Rich at MMF really like having Sky and I around and are willing to go along with any zany ideas I might have to improve the atmosphere there. But I'm glad that I was lonely and unhappy b/c otherwise I wouldn't have posted a note on equinesite and met people.
Lisa in Canterbury is coming out to ride in the indoor tomorrow so that is good - and I'm meeting another Robin in Gilminton too. I hope I'll be able to make enough connections to hav people to ride with this year as well as possibly hitch a ride to some shows and trail rides.
In the meantime, I'm planning (with Robbyn and Rich's approval) a Trail Ride and Fun Day at MMF. This feeds my fire to plan things while giving me something to look forward to. Robbyn seems to like the idea, so as soon as the snow melts I'll be scoping out a path.
Gottta go for now. I'll update about my lesson tomorrow!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Day One
So, I'm starting this little journal in order to keep track of Sky and I's progress as we go through this year, our first together in NH. I've been at Majestic Meadow Farm in Concord since August and have survived the worst winter ever! Now we're ready for some trail riding and some shows and hopefully, some camping! I've found an instructor who is fired up to get me in with the cows, so here he can check up on my riding diary.
Tonight, I must work and tomorrow we begin our first lesson.
Tonight, I must work and tomorrow we begin our first lesson.
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