Friday, August 15, 2008


So, I have to tell this story – it’s not the usual Monday update, I know, but it’s funny.
John had me working on slowing down and stopping the horse by using my seat and using my reins last when I had to… this is to teach the horse to slow down and stop without showing it – it took a while for me to get it while trying to learn on one of their lesson horses, but by the end I kind of sort of got the idea.

So, when I got home I tried it on Sky a little and she easily slows from a trot to a walk on seat alone. I figured that they had taught her a little of this in New Mexico at Josh’s.
Yesterday, I went out on the trail with Lisa for a short bit and I made Sky lead on the way out and on the way back, be behind. She did good and seemed to have a lot of confidence going out. I need to work on this more, because I want to surprise my friend Beth in East Corinth (Sky wouldn’t lead on the way out last year).

So, we got back and Lisa had to go but Sky and I stayed in the yard to work a little more. I loped her off and she’s taking off beautifully. So, as we lope around I use my seat to slow her down and try not to tuck her in so much and she does a beautiful job (in my opinion anyway). As I get ready to ask her to slow down, I decide to try to use just my seat and get her to go down to an easy trot or even a walk. Lope, Lope, Lope … ok, “I want to walk…” and I so I put my hand down, squeeze my butt and push my hips forward (or whatever version of that I’ve got going on now, it’s not perfected) and boy did the breaks go on! Sky stopped DEAD in her tracks – I’m glad I picked the dirt spot to stop! She didn’t necessarily slide, but she did screech to a halt! It made me laugh out loud, she’s so cool! I guess Josh taught her something I hadn’t used in a while!

FYI – she did it going the other way too! (Check out Sky's new mane in this photo! I look terrible, but whatever!)

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