Sunday, February 14, 2010

Peppered Sky, will you be my Valentine?

So, today, the most romantic day of the year, my fiance and my best friends' husband are snowmobiling together. Lisa and I spent the day with a bunch of women! (and a gelding!)... we got together with the ladies from the barn and hoofed it down the road... seven of us total!

It was an interesting ride.. Sky was happy to be chosen to come out of the field and although she seemed a bit uncertain of her saddle going on after a whole two months off, she was proud to lead the group out the driveway.

Oh, my Sky...she wanted to be in front...power walk the whole way so that we might get home as soon as possible! ha ha ha ha... oh Sky - your momma hasn't gotten soft over the winter! I made her go in the back and slow her walk and stay with those in the rear.... she threw a little tantrum at first...ears pinned, foot stomping...too much energy! But she settled down after a while and overall was a good listener.

We went down the road and around again...just a short loop to get the kinks out... too cold for much else but it was nice just the was so wonderful to sit astride my beautiful horse! I love her so...missed her lately. We have big plans for this summer and it looks like with this group, they will be achieved.

Anyway, sorry, not up much for writing but I wanted to say hello and happy Valentine's to all of those who have four-legged, long-nosed, fuzzy loves out there.


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