Sunday, June 13, 2010


Wow, I guess it's been awhile.

I was in the bookstore last night and was reading about wedding websites and blogs and had a thought for a moment that I should start one, but then I thought, "no, I HAVE a blog"...that I barely write on anymore, I suppose.

It's not for lack of things going on, I can assure you all. I am busier than I should be, and as I sit here on Sunday morning with my hot cup of coffee and the quiet that this house never experiences except for early weekend mornings, my mind is reeling in possibilities.

Sky is amazing. She is doing very well. We worked pretty hard to get ready to show last Sunday...Lisa rode her a bunch of times and I rode in the yard a lot, foregoing the trail in favor of working on that crazy lope of hers, trying to get her to slow down. By last Saturday I was feeling relatively confident and ready to go...and then came the rain. Buckets of rain with weather reports warning of lightening and tornatos, so no show for us. Oh well. Honestly, I wasn't that heartbroken about it.

We went and did a cow horse clinic a few weeks ago with some girls from the Blackwater group and it was a blast. Sky did me proud and showed off that she hasn't forgotten any of the training from NM. She did the rollbacks better than any horse there, I have to say. She did great on the cow until it tried to climb through the fence, but that scared me too! I for one cannot wait to try it again.

So life has been a whirlwind. Dave has been laid off for a few weeks here, and is slowly starting to work for his and Adam's company - a gig that will turn full time as soon as they take over their family friends' company this summer. We have been showing this house - attempting to sell it which is an exercise in patience I am failing miserably at... mostly b/c we are hopeful that we will be able to buy a house in Bow which the opportunity for fell into our laps in a big way. Circumstances had to be 'just so' for us to even know about it, let alone get the ball rolling before another bump in the road. We are consumed by the possibility of this house and the waiting is, as you might guess, difficult.

I have a hard time trying to remember to not get ahead of myself, because the thousand false starts before this tell me that this will not work out either, but the dreamer in me cannot stop the momentum...I dream about quiet days spent at this place, with my husband and my horse and future dogs and cats and more horses (not too many, mind you). I am already heart-set on having the wedding there and neither Dave or I can stop talking about it. It sounds like love, huh?

Life is about journey. You never "end up" anywhere until you are dead, I think. Life has motion. and inertia. Dreams don't stop for broken hearts or circumstances or empty bank accounts. We move and life moves and there is no getting out of the way...only moving forward. It's hard to deal with sometimes b/c you can want to drag your feet, desperate to stop, at times. But other times you are rolling with the motion and enjoying every moment, like you would on a roller coaster or cantering through an open field.

Dave talks sometimes about just wanting to be in our own house and with our own lives, but I try to remember that we need to enjoy where we are now b/c we'll never be here again. I am going to remember this time as a great time....the best I can hope for is to miss these Sunday mornings in this house and these crazy times when I am spending every spare moment ripping up floors and cleaning out barns and doing God-knows-what.

Anyway, enough philosophy for now. Dave is up... and we're moving again.

Love you all.


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