Thursday, May 14, 2009

oh money... money is the root of all evil.

So, there are a lot of things to pay for - I am finally paying the farrier for the two trims Sky got over the winter, we have teeth floating coming up which will include having the vet look at her nasty circle of fungus she's had for a long time and then I have the show coming up, not to mention the numerous trail rides I'd like to do.

These, and others, are countless reminders that by now my severance is gone and even though I am starting to get weekly unemployment checks, it will not be enough. Today I plan to submit an application to try to be a server for the rest of the summer - something I swore when I got laid off that I wouldn't do - but after having been pretty much out of work for two months I am realizing that it wouldn't be so bad. At the very least I have to support my equine habit and beyond that I should be contributing to my household!

It's a hard thing, in this day and age, to be a horseperson. I'm not going to talk about the economy like I am some kind of expert but as someone who has been personally affected by a drastic change in income... and not that I ever spent excuberently on my horse to start with but I do miss being able to buy the things I need. Here's my list: Sky needs a decent new working pad, baby pads for underneath so I don't ruin said working pad, I'd love myself a new turquoise show shirt and blanket, more fly spray, more grooming stuff, a sheet for show days...etc.. you get the picture. It's not really about stuff I "need" - need is a relative term. What we really need is to keep her healthy and that includes the above mentioned vet visit as well as another hoof trim and shots ... that list never ends... It's bad enough to hear it from my husband regarding board but after the tyraid of a fight we had a while back I think he knows that it's either me and the horse or neither of us. I would like to think he's learned to live with that fact.

Anyway, money troubles are rough. But the only comfort is knowing that unless the powerball jackpot falls into my lap there won't be much end to the things I want (not need, per say). Even if I had all the things I needed to not worry about showing and riding for the summer, I'd want to finish the work on the Explorer, find myself a trailer, go to Arcadia... you know.... 'needs'...:)

So, wish me luck in finding a job - any job - and be sure to sign up to be a sky fan - if I get enough followers I can put advertisements on my blog and maybe that could become my job! Right!!!


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