Monday, January 12, 2009

Ok, so I am a bad blogger – bad, bad, bad.

I have my reasons. First is that it’s winter and although I love to look at the puffy blanket of white snow outside my window, I’m not much of a cold-weather girl. In fact, after Christmas I have absolutely no use for any day temping in at below fifty and I’m starting to consider Karl’s suggestion that we live somewhere warm for two months a year!

Anyway, my aversion to winter riding is well documented here, so I’ll move on. Christmas was… well, Christmas… I love the holiday season but it has seriously lost its luster for me in my adulthood – I tried to convince Karl that it will come back for us when there are children in our household. Who knows?

I spent New Year’s holed up at home with the dog (Karl had to work and I didn’t feel like facing parties full of couples alone… and that’s not as sad as it sounds). Being holed up has become a theme for me lately and I promise myself I will try to snap out of it. Since Christmas came and went, I’ve had a barrage of excuses to exclude myself from one activity or another – I haven’t even taken out my sewing machine since I put it away for Christmas company and I have limited my barn activities to getting on Sky for a total of 10 minutes about once every three weeks. I know, it’s sad, but honestly there aren’t many places to go considering the trails are iced over and the roads have limited visibility with all the snow banks (excuses)…

I did try to make a comeback use of my gym membership and it lasted about three weeks before I got bored (longer than usual do to my new ipod). Lisa wants to do a kickboxing class twice a week and I’m up for that.

I have an hour and a half for lunch now, with Jamie out for her maternity leave. I work until 530, which kind of stinks, but isn’t so bad.

Other than that there is precious little to report. Work is work and Karl is drudging through his night shifts in Bedford. We are hoping to be able to buy a house this year (part of the whole, “when we will have kids” conversation – its one step at a time). Cross your fingers for us – we’re meeting with a bank guy to see what we might be able to qualify for at the end of the month. I figure we’ll shop around with whatever pre-approval we can get and if we find something, great, and if not, then we’ll improve our credit etc. and try again later.

Of course I’m in love with a house – it’s in Concord and not enough space for Sky but it’s very close to my work and abuts a park. It’s an old house and is probably too far out of our price range, but something to stalk anyway!

Well, I am hoping to break out of my winter slump soon and am still wishing for an early Spring.


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