Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring is full of changes...

Well, we all know Spring is finally here - something I've been wishing for since the first snowfall! It's been a long rough winter and I'm ready for a new year to begin.

However, not all changes going on are good ones... or easy ones, should I say. I had the severe displeasure of being laid off from my Administrative Assistant position 10 days ago. It was a humiliating experience and one that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I am still feeling blindsided and stunned and although I have applied to over twenty jobs, I am still waiting for one call back. I think there is a huge amount of people in the same boat as me, which is not comforting since these people are all my competition for the few jobs that are out there.

Everyone I know has been no less than supportive and wonderful. Karl is plowing along at his overnight job at Hannaford's - something he hates but does anyway. Lisa is generously letting me into her home during the day to use her kitchen table and wireless internet as my makeshift "job search office"... I have receieved lots of advice about where to look for jobs and lots of words of sympathy and faith in my ability to find something else soon. Despite all the support, I am still finding it hard to face each day without the purpose of something to do or somewhere to go. I, like Sky, am a creature that needs a purpose and relishes the idea that I am useful to another.

Sky, by the way, is doing really well. We went out with Besty for a two hour jaunt around the nearby dirt roads and other than a little jigging (inspired by Harvey, I believe) we did well. We've been out on considerably shorter rides with Kay and Michelle - seperately. Both these ladies are now boarding at Lisa's as well and I love the idea of having trail riding partners more regularly. They are both slightly nervous riders so Sky and I do our best to be the brave ones even though she is considerbly younger than either of their mounts. She hasn't given me anything to complain about although I'm looking forward to the yard being clear so that we can work on more ring-oriented skills. The first LRSS show is May 31st, so we have a lot of time to improve.

Anyway, I am unable to take the advice that I should enjoy this 'time off' because that is not my nature. I am plunging into another round of resume submissions this morning and hate the idea of another week with no prospects. The whole thing is depressing and I am losing my ability to smile through the well-wishes. I don't have the strength to sugar-coat my disappointment in the latest backslide that Karl and I are forced to endure. It isn't fair and there isn't that much more to say.


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