Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What’s going on…

So, I know I haven’t written much here in a while (hey, that’s how I start all my journal entries nowadays too!) but things have been busy.

Sky is doing well. We went on our nearly weekly ride with the Blackwater group the Sunday before last, but it was a little different b/c I just rode to Betsy’s house! That was the first time in a long time that I had taken Sky out on her own and I thought she did really well. I didn’t have to push her too hard to go down the road and she only spooked at the first car that passed us. Once we got to Betsy’s our accomplishment was shown up by Melissa, who rode her Mustang from Northfield to get there! Oh, well, I was still proud of us.

We rode some amazing places – to a pond that was part of some conservation land and then to a pond owned by a rich guy – that one was super secluded and lovely. The snowmobile trails were good and I thought Sky did well overall – she was pretty pokey and I am sure not out of tiredness. She did come to life when everyone trotted, though. This is when Sky has decided she’d like to canter… I figure as long as she can lope slow enough so we are not on the butt of the horse in front of us, that’s fine with me. It’s pretty funny – she tries her best!

Anyway, other than that, we haven’t had much going on. My schooling riding time is pretty limited, mainly because I am trying to spend more time with Karl before he leaves, and other “life” things getting in the way. She doesn’t seem much worse for the wear over it – if I ride after a few days off she seems to have retained whatever it was that we worked on the time before. It seems like there are never enough hours in the day to get everything done. For instance, I invited Christina over to hang out and have margaritas while I made Chili for last Wednesday night’s Blackwater meeting – which means there was no riding then or Thursday when the actual meeting happened… the chili was a hit, though. I’m looking forward to Fall cooking.

This past weekend was Labor Day weekend, and Karl and I did some stuff together – went mini golfing (I’m a much-improved putter!), visited my parents in Rumney (his request, not mine!), and went to the Hopkinton Fair, (where both of us agreed Sky would have cleaned up at that show!)… it was a good weekend – I fed a bit for Lisa while she was away at a show with her trainer and I rode a little. Yesterday, I rode and thought the bugs would eat us both alive, so I wasn’t out for very long. I should take her out more often. I’m looking forward so much to the Fall trail riding, which is the hands-down best time of the year – period. Blackwater has a lot of cool rides planned and East Corinth is heavy on my mind since it’s my big vacation and I am totally in desperate need of a big vacation… I have been dreaming of the rolling hills, the steep trails leading to the BEST views, the wet grass of the field and the low fog of each morning when you are certain to see at least one deer and the inevitable gut-busting laughter from hearing another of Frank’s outrageous stories.

We do have one more show left – the 21st… I’m skipping the one on the 7th, despite wanting to do it even though it’s the day Karl leaves – it’s just too much in one day and John says we can kick everyone’s walk/trot ass anyway (that’s validation enough, screw the ribbons!)
This week should prove to feel pretty short, hopefully, and then there is a party for Karl before he leaves, and then his actual departure. He’ll spend about 14 days at Ft Jackson and then go to FL to join a guard unit. He seems to be in better spirits regarding the whole thing, although he clearly does not want to go. Like I tell everyone, it just sucks and there isn’t much more anyone can say about it. I’m doing my best to think of the good things I have coming up and that way I have to think less about being alone for another year.

Anyway, slacker me has to get back to work – until next time, happy trails.


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