Saturday, June 6, 2009


Today is Saturday - we are on Day Three of Sky's injury/illness/??? - she is 'off' on her back left leg and the reason is a mystery to us in the barn. She isn't super lame... just favoring it and seems stiff.

We are STILL waiting for the farrier to come... it will be Monday at some point. I guess she didn't get back to Lisa b/c she was over on her phone minutes and didn't want to call until she was into a free weekend... call me a crazy horse mom but that doesn't sound like a good business person to me. But I am super worried about Sky and think that everyone else should be just as concerned!

We've been keeping her in a stall and giving her bute to help her feel better. Lisa took her out and looked at her this morning and says that she's a 1 out of 5 on the 'lameness scale'... I think she is better than yesterday, when she was favoring it a lot more. Improvement is good, I guess.

My therory at this point is that she is the one who kicked the stall door (Onyx's)... I think this because I noticed two cuts on her lower leg that were new when she was hurt... It's either that (in my mind) or she is bruised from walking on her sole rather than the wall bearing the weight b/c she isn't growing enough... which would mean she needs shoes. GRRr... not knowing what is up is awful.

I am worried about Sky and her wellbeing and her health... that's the first priority. But I am also thinking that we will be unimproved in performance for the upcoming double judged LRSS show that is coming up at lightening speed - next Sunday... eight days away. IF she is better, than we will more likely than not, go and suck... IF she isn't than I will bag the idea of going for LRSS year ends and points and skip it in order to go to another series show and mix and match...after all this is a 'growing year' for us.

Overall I am just worried and scared and sad that Sky isn't doing well. It makes me realize how delicate she is and how much I would miss her if we couldn't be the team that we have always been.

It is hard to know what the right thing to do for her is. I wish there was one right answer.


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