Wednesday, June 17, 2009

So Sorry

Ok - I am a big bad blogging loser! I am sorry.. I have a good excuse.. I still have houseguests and my horse has been taking up all my energy.

So, Sky is doing much better - I am happy to say. Today I kicked her out back with everyone else b/c I know how frustrated she is with being inside and in the round pen at night... She is full of energy and walking normally so we are now just waiting for her heel to heal up (HA! that was funny.... heal/heel... get it..)

Anyway, here is the deal... we were wondering what was wrong with Sky... so Lisa said it was her hip - Bethany said she didn't look 'foot sore' - John said she was unbalanced and had no foot to stand on - John's farrier, Steve, said she was 'severely unbalanced' and needed shoes with wedges... all these opinions kept me in tears for about a week as I did not know who to trust or what to think.

We had Gretchen Ham ( a vet and chiropractor) come out and have a look at her.... so i pull her out of her stall and she was WAY worse than she had been... Gretchen says, "so I am guessing it's this leg"... she looks her up and down and then says to me, "has this always been here"... she turned out to have a gravel (like an abscess) coming out her heel.

So we have been for a week, soaking and wrapping and walking and she is doing much better. Her heel kind of split across the back and is now hardening up as it heels from the inside. I rode for the first time yesterday and she was... well, she acted much like a horse who has been off for two weeks and has spent a lot of time in a stall! I am a cranky bitch this week so the combo was not good (oh, don't forget the hoards of tiny black bugs swarming us... that added a lot to the experience!) Anyway, we managed to get around at the walk/trot a bunch of times and I am looking forward to trail riding this weekend if it kills me!

Oh, forgot to tell you all about the show... or lack there of... Saturday we look at Sky and she was good enough to go for showmanship and trail (the only things I did good at last time!)... So I decide on Saturday at around 4 to go to a show the next morning. I bathed and clipped and wrapped and blanketed... then Sunday AM I woke up to continuous rain! Yuk!

I get to the barn and Michelle was about as enthused as I was about standing out in the rain all day... we talked ourselves into backing out until Lisa came into the barn with B already packed up and said, "let's go!"... So, we relented and got Red and Sky on the trailer and hit the highway... luckily I had left my phone in my back pocket and felt the buzz on my butt when Judy called to say that they were postponing the show... I was thrilled with this for two obvious reasons.. 1. I didn't want to stand in the rain all day and 2. I know have more time for Sky to heal and to get better before we try again so we can do all of our classes!

Anyway, I will let you know how we do.


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