Wednesday, May 14, 2008

An Update


So, Sky's got a boo boo. Looks like a bite on her flank...ouch.

Lisa is going to go to Oak Rise as opposed to the four hour drive to the Maine Quarter Horse Show, so I have a ride to the May 25th show... yeah.

I gave her a couple days off after Silver Heels, then rode a few days, then Beth came up from Swanzey and picked us up to go to Canterbury to a Ride/Drive for Canadian Horses. She brought her Arab as well as her four year old Canadian (the three year old one stayed at home) with the idea of ponying one and riding the other and switching on and off. So, we got there and Sky had a time trying to figure out that this trailer wasn't the one with a ramp! Then she had to learn that Rhea (the Canadian) didn't want to be her friend (she's a kicker!)... but we headed out down the dirt roads without much trouble and although she wouldn't lead, I made her at least look where she was going and spread out - no butt following today!

Typical Sky, when we turned to go back, she was all about being in front! As if to say, "this has been scouted, it's safe".. When we returned to the farm, I made her go away from the other horses and walk around different areas. I was very proud of us because she didn't want to go certain places and was scared, but I got her to go. we even left the driveway again and up the road a minute. She's doing better and better on her own.

So, we had lunch and went out again with a different group. This time Sky was not as enthusiastic to go out and the bugs were worse, so it wasn't as pleasant. When we got back we took the horses into the back field and for a drink in the brook. I thought (silly me) "what a great time to do some training" and get Sky to cross the water alone. She's great following a horse, but by herself, not so much. So I got her to go in (yeah me!) and then she backed right out.... so we got into a little "discussion"... I did get her to cross another water place alone but then got help from another horse as well... we'll try again another day.

Yesterday, I rode and she was really good. I tried an exersise that I read in a magazine about setting up a grid of 9 cones (I used jump standards as the ring was littered with them!) about six feet apart and randomly weaving in and out of them to get her to go "between my legs"... it worked pretty well. We also worked on the half-halts which she would be good at if she stayed in a frame, which she doesn't always.

Then we went up the powerlines and got nearly to the subdivision road before we turned around. I got her through some mud but ahead was full out puddles and I wasn't ready for those yet. Maybe today. I made sure it was my idea to turn around though. We did some trotting in the woods on the way back and I am hoping to get the nice trot more often on the trail that she does in the ring all the time.

Next week we'll hopefully get another lesson and work toward getting ready for Oak Rise.


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