Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Drama, Messes and Successes

Well, a lot is going on... or not a lot depending on how you look at it. I went back for Day Two of the interview for the barn manager job. It was a nerve-racking experience only because I am not used to auditioning my riding skills, especially to those I don't know on horses I don't know in saddles that don't fit me! That's all I'll say about it for now because I am not sure how it will turn out. All I can say is that I did my best and was myself and if that is not good enough then the job was not meant to be mine in the first place. I have been praying since I was laid off to be put on the path that God intends for me, and I have tried my best to take every opportunity as far as I can to see what happens. I don't think I would understand why God would want me to go through all this worry and talk and interviewing if I don't get the job, but I have never been one to question why things happen, only to know I am to learn from it in some way.

So, I'm supposed to hear about it shortly. One can only wait and see. Karl and I want to try to get them to let us do the job as a team - it's too much for one person to do.

Anyway, I have been riding which is fabulous. Sky is finally getting her leads down, which is exciting. Lisa has helped me a bit and it's been really cool to ask and get the right lead more and more consistantly. She is obviously less frustrated b/c she is doing the correct thing... I love it. I am still a bit nervous about being ready to do w/t/c by May 31st - I have to begin working with one hand soon and start thinking about lope-overs and then working more on showmanship. It's a lot of work to do but hopefully it will pay off.

Speaking of pay-offs Karl's team won their game last night. He was so proud of them and of himself, which he should be... I felt really bad I wasn't there to see them win.

Anyway, I just talked to Beth and am now all distracted so I will let you, my loyal readers, go for now. I promise to keep you posted on everything.


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