Friday, April 4, 2008

a funny thing happened at the Dunkin Donuts drivethrough


So I had my first lesson with John yesterday and I was telling my lovely non-riding husband about it while we were driving (his mom was also in the car)... Now, I love my husband dearly, but he has no idea what I'm talking about when I tell him about riding and the horse.. he just nods and says "that's nice" and complains about how expensive it is, but he listens just the same and because I was so excited at my progress during my lesson, I had to tell someone.

He decides he wants a coffee and pulls into the dunkin donuts drivethrough just as I tell him all about how my instructor said Sky had a good build and I that had a good seat... as he goes to order his coffee into the scratchy speaker, my darling hubby says "geez, you're paying this guy $45 bucks to tell you you've got a good seat!"

This cracks me and his mom up, and apparently it was funny to the ladies inside because the next thing we hear are roars of laughter from the speaker.... just goes to show you that when you're talking riding if you're not around riders, you've got to be careful what you say!

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