Friday, April 11, 2008

you can trust a guy who won't take your money!

Hi again,

So yesterday I decided I'd have another lesson with John, just to make sure Sky and I were on the right track and doing the right thing since she'd been fighting the bit so much.

It was a beautiful day and I was excited to show John what we were doing. SO, he comes in and watches me ride for a minute as he did before and then tells me that I don't need a lesson.. what!? (moment of pride that I'm a great rider....) What?!.... He says that we're on the right track and I'm doing what I need to be doing to get he headset straight and get her working her hind end... and that he could stand there an hour and tell me little things to do and not do and take my money, but that wasn't necessary. Now, I think I can respect someone who isn't all about money and is excited (genuinely) to see me improve with my horse. He couldn't resist getting on her for a while and I think I learned more by watching him ride her than I would have if I'd been riding. I can see where we are getting to more than before and that helps more than any lesson could have.

We even went into the outdoor ring and she was great there too - I can't wait for more nice days and more riding time... it feels very amazing to feel good about where you are with your horse and be proud of her and of yourself and know that great things are coming. I know it will be a good year... I knew it this winter.. I told myself 2008 had good things in store... I think hope and Spring go hand and hand. :)

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