Thursday, April 17, 2008

happy birthday Sky

Sky turned FIVE yesterday - without much fanfare I have to say, I didn't get to visit b/c it was my long day and I had to go to both jobs (gotta pay for the habit!)

But she's acting older and that makes me happy. She's not spooky in the outdoor ring even though last fall she hated the far side near the newly downed trees and it's been windy... she handled our walk out the road and up the trails well, even though on the power lines we nearly sank! I'm going to try to walk out and ride back for the first few times out at least so she's not so scared... I'd rather be safe than sorry (or frustrated)

As far as collecting, she's doing well. She seems bored at the walk and is very pokey but is resisting less and less when I ask for her face... she seems to be figuring out where to hold her head.. I trotted a bunch on Tuesday too, and she did well - gotta work some on trail obstacles and thinking about showing stuff... I want to go to the NHQHA show on the 18th of May with Lisa and do the open breed walk/trot western classes - not a lot of classes but it will be good to get her around a lot of people/horses again too. I don't think I'll expect much from that - will probably be out of our leauge.

Now that the hard part of my week is over, I'll be able to ride more... today, tomorrow, sat and sunday - and next week we should be ready for another lesson. I think we're doing well and I'm loving all my time with her.. she's a ham!

Anyway, until next time... C

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