Friday, April 25, 2008

9 days to go

So, Sky and I had another John Toli lesson yesterday - lasted nearly 3 hours since I had so much to go over. Sky did good, although I think we interupted mid-afternoon nap time. She was a bit of a pokey puppy, but I guess I'll take that over wacked out and crazy.

Anyway, I think that John might consider me crazy for jumping into the show ring now, so early in the year. But he's willing to help us in whatever we do, so we're lucky in that respect.

we're going to compete in halter, w/t equitation, w/t pleasure, w/t command, and w/t trail... I think it will be good but I don't expect a lot - of course I'll be disappointed if we come home empty handed, but the experience will be good. The anticipation and not-knowing how it will be is what makes me more nervous rather than the can-we-do-this aspect... which is good.

I think Sky will hold a decent frame and be realtively collected - and she'll handle whats asked of her well - from my memory her biggest obstacles are a) getting used to the show grounds and ring and b) not speeding up when in the ring with other horses. I think if we get some good practice time in, she'll do great. And if we completely suck, then I can laugh about it with Beth on the trail ride in Canterbury the next Saturday!

Otherwise, things are good. No registrations yet for our ride in June, but it's super early - I hope it goes well - It'll be good for Rich and Robbyn to see that they can host something successfully. I kind of feel since the whole thing was my doing, that if no one comes, it'll be my fault.

Anyway, not much else is new... Sky and I have a lot of practice to do - today I'm going to do some different trail obstacles and go out for a ride as well - I don't want to work her so hard she gets sour of the ring... I think the next week will be patterns and patterns and fun practice. john said he might come and watch us and it would be really good to have him there, even if we do suck!


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